16 Elements Web Site Designers Should Include – Part 3

Read Part 2 of 16 Elements Web Site Designers Should Include if you missed points 9-13.

13. Use external files for CSS and javascript

Instead of cluttering up your web page with CSS or Javascript code, place them in external files that can be linked from each page. This will help speed up the loading of your web site.

Here’s an example of javascript code placed in an includes file. This line of code is inserted into each page on the web site.

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 src="/includes/virtualmenu.js"></SCRIPT>

Read How to update your site using server side includes

Here’s the line of code you may use for linking all your sites’ pages to an external style sheet.

<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="includes/menu.css">

14. Incorporate keywords in file names, image names, title, description, keyword, h1, h2, alt tags and web copy.

Search engines find your web site based on the keyword density used. Don’t overdo it as your site can be penalized. If so, you may suddenly see a drop in rankings. When designing or redesigning your site be sure to include your most important keywords in
all your file names, then integrate them into your web copy and meta tags.

15. Include contact information on all pages

Some search engines such as Yahoo require your address to be on the site, if it is to be indexed. Include your postal address and telephone number on all your web pages. This will not only help the search engines but make it easy for customers to contact you from any location on your web site. It will also help win customers trust.

If you don’t want to use your own address get a Suite Number address from your post office so it looks like a real address. Don’t use a P.O. Box number. It’s very impersonal and gives the impression you want to remain anonymous. Visitors to your web site want to talk to a real person and see a real address.

16. Limit use of images

Only use graphics that are relevant to your site’s purpose, and aim for a file size that is 12 KB or smaller. If you must include an image that is larger than 12 KB, then use a thumbnail image. Including large or many graphics on your site hinders search engine spiders, since spiders’ primary food is content. Use images sparingly. Add relevant content that will attract both users and search engine spiders.


If web designers incorporate these 16 elements during the building of their web sites, search engine spiders will more easily index them and visitors will have an easier time navigating, finding and reading the information they seek.

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