How to Integrate Autoresponders with Google AdWords

Google Adwords is a quick and easy method for testing the profit potential of a product, selling a product or building a list of subscribers. The problem is most marketers spend their money on clicks instead of sales. They don’t bother to follow-up on their prospects by capturing their contact information and sending them a series of follow-up messages. This results in leaving a lot of money on the table.

Autoresponders enable you to keep your message current in your prospects mind. Instead of never seeing them again, you build a long term relationship so they will come to know, like and trust you. People buy more products from referrals from friends rather than people they’ve never heard of.

How to Integrate Autoresponders with Google AdWords

Here is one highly effective strategy for selling a product using a combination of Google AdWords and an Autoresponder.


  • Google AdWords account
  • 2 Google Ads to split test
  • Landing page
  • Autoresponder account
  • Free Report
  • 7 email messages
  • Product
  • Product sales page

1. Google AdWords account set-up

Create a new campaign by setting a specific budget and maximum amount you wish to pay for each click. Do keyword research to find the specific keywords to use in your ads, landing page and email messages. Start with broad match types to see what keywords generate the most clicks, then switch to exact match to eliminate non-relevant clicks.

2. Split test ads

The purpose of split testing your ads is to find which one generates the most clicks or conversions. The high performing ad is your control ad. Create a new test ad to outperform your control ad. Get at least 100 clicks before changing the test ad.

3. Landing page set-up

Your landing page should contain an opt-in form and list several bullet points outlining the benefits of receiving your free report. The landing page should include links to other web pages (ie privacy page, blog page, etc) otherwise Google will deactivate your AdWords account.

4. Autoresponder set-up

Create a series of 7 follow-up messages. The first autoresponder message should thank your prospect for opting in to your landing page and include a download link to your free report. Now that you have their contact information you can begin to create a long term relationship with them. Your next 6 follow-up messages should offer articles and tips related to the product you’re selling. Introduce your product in the 7th follow-up message by including a link to your sales page.

More people will buy from this follow-up system than sending them directly to your sales page because you are pre-selling your product by sending them a new tip every day. The email reminders help keep your product fresh in their minds.

When you integrate Google Adwords with Autoresponders you can very quickly create a large list of prospects and build a relationship with them. Instead of selling to them one time you can sell to them multiple times over their life time as long as they remain on your list.

And now I would like you to instantly claim your FREE 28 Page Report:

Mining Your Opt-In List: “3 Ways To Make More Money From Any List”

From Herman Drost – Web Design, Hosting, SEO


  1. Nice & clearly written. It is refreshing to have action steps presented without all the hype. Thanks for presenting concise suggestions.

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