5 Disadvantages For Using The Google Keyword Research Tool

google keyword tool

Many online marketers exclusively use Google’s free keyword research tool to do their online keyword research falsely believing it will provide accurate enough results to invest their time and money into using it. For instance they’ll enter a keyword into the search box, press submit and receive hundreds of related keywords or keyword phrases showing how many searches each keyword receives for that month. They’ll then use these keywords in their content hoping the web page will eventually get them ranked on the first page of Google and other search engines. The problem is…it doesn’t always work out that way because the results can be grossly inaccurate.

5 Disadvantages for Using the Google Keyword Research Tool

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How to Integrate Autoresponders with Google AdWords

Google Adwords is a quick and easy method for testing the profit potential of a product, selling a product or building a list of subscribers. The problem is most marketers spend their money on clicks instead of sales. They don’t bother to follow-up on their prospects by capturing their contact information and sending them a series of follow-up messages. This results in leaving a lot of money on the table.

Autoresponders enable you to keep your message current in your prospects mind. Instead of never seeing them again, you build a long term relationship so they will come to know, like and trust you. People buy more products from referrals from friends rather than people they’ve never heard of.

How to Integrate Autoresponders with Google AdWords

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Product Test Marketing Using Google AdWords

How do you know if your product will be profitable?
What keywords are people using to find your product?
What web copy will convert customers to buyers?

95% of marketers haven’t done any test marketing before developing their product. They invest a lot of time and money without knowing if it will be profitable. Instead of testing beforehand they continue to spend money on marketing hoping their product will fly.

One of best ways to quickly and easily test the profitability of your product is to create a Google AdWords campaign. These are ads that run down the right side of Google’s result pages. Google AdWords enables you to test specific keywords targeting a specific product.

Benefits of Google AdWords

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Dollar A Day AdWords Review – How to Maximize Your Profits Without Wasting Your Money

If you want to instantly attract targeted visitors to your web site, pay per click (PPC) marketing enables you to create ads that appear on the first page of the top search engines. This means you can start making sales immediately. Even if you don’t have a web site you can send visitors to an affiliate site and reap the rewards.

Most people that try PPC marketing often give up because they end up spending more than they invest. You can quickly and easily spend 100s or even 1000s of dollars and not see a profit.

Dollar a Day Strategy Case Study

Setting up my first Google AdWords campaign

When I set up my first Google AdWords campaign I wanted to make sales immediately so I made sure I got the top ad position in and set a high daily budget with the idea I would generate a lot of sales. Within a week I received 1000s of impressions, 100s of clicks but didn’t generate one sale. I used up all my budget which amounted to 100s of dollars.

I subsequently set up several more campaigns hoping to achieve success by doing extensive keyword research, tweaking and split testing my ads, however I still didn’t make any profit and ended up spending more than I invested.

Creating multiple campaigns with Dollar a Day Strategy

After getting the wind knocked out of my sails from my initial campaigns I read books and attended seminars on pay per click marketing. I was inspired by the idea of just spending a dollar a day to test affiliate products to market so I bought the Dollar A Day AdWords ebook.

Lessons learned from Dollar a Day Strategy

1. Test marketing

Before investing money in your campaigns test them. The Dollar a Day strategy enables you to test multiple campaigns at the same time without spending a fortune on your budget. Once you start making sales you have the option of increasing your bids and daily budget.

2. Keyword strategies

If the cost per click of your keyword is high you’ll spend your budget very quickly. With the Dollar a Day strategy you’ll learn effective keyword strategies that enable you to reduce your cost per click.

3. Write effective ads

You only have a few lines to make the visitor click on your ad and see your offer. The Dollar a Day strategy will show you how to write ads that communicate your offer to your customer and improve sales conversions.


If you want to maximize your profits without spending a fortune marketing your product on Google AdWords, learn how to test market your products, learn effective keyword strategies and write traffic pulling ads, pick up a copy of Dollar a Day AdWords.

I highly recommend it!

Google Ads – Small changes can generate large profits

The AdWords guru Perry Marshall often provides gold nuggets of information in his emails. I had to include this one in a blog post because it’s a keeper…information that you should be using every time you write new Google Ads. He shows you that small changes can generate large profits.

Only a seasoned Google AdWords pro can appreciate the enormous difference that teeny tiny things make in your Google ads.

You’ve got 120 characters of space to work with, and *every* one of those characters matters. Every single one.

Case in point: Here’s a pair of actual Google ads and their stats:

Ad #1:
How to Write a Book Fast
14 Days from Start to Finish
Unique, Step By Step Program
CTR: 4.1%

Ad #2:
How to Write a Book, Fast
14 Days from Start to Finish
Unique, Step By Step Program
CTR 4.4%

4.1% vs. 4.4%. What’s the difference between the two ads?

If you look real close, you see there only difference is ONE COMMA. That’s it.

“How to Write a Book, Fast” out-pulls “How to Write a Book Fast” by eight percent. In one year that silly little comma saved me about $500.00 – because Google rewards you for writing ads that get clicked on.

People who’ve never tested this stuff have no idea how sensitive people are to little things like this. Here’s a short list of little hinges that can swing big doors:

-Verbs: speed up vs. accelerate, launch vs. catapult, endorse vs. champion, praise vs. honor, win vs. dominate, intimidate vs. terrorize, start vs. pioneer, turn vs. careen, kill vs. slay

-Capitalizing Or not capitalizing Any Particular Word

-ThisSite.com vs www.ThisSite.com




-Metaphors…. like….

Will Your Wedding Be
A Carnival of Utter Confusion
Or the Happiest day of your life?

-Question Marks, Colons, Semicolons, Dashes –

Popular Ethernet Terms
Complex Words – Simple Definitions
3 Page Guide – Free PDF Download

Sexually Transmitted Info
Warts, Herpes, Blisters, AIDS?
Symptoms – Diagnosis – Treatments

-Scare Quotes

Atheist “Logic”
A New Age Of Reason?
Or Just a Clever Shell Game?

-Slashes and Parentheses

Mudflaps for Trucks
Ford / Chevy / GM / Toyota
(All Trucks, All Styles, All Sizes)


Spanish? Oh, Please.
Just What You’ve Always Wanted:
Another Dopey Spanish Program.

-The Gum-Smacking Teenager

Summer Camp? Oh, My Gosh.
Seriously, You Got to Check It Out.
It’s, Like, So Totally the Bomb!

Steamy Conversation

“Get Out Now” She Said
“I didn’t show you this” I replied
“Ooh Sam, now you’re talking.”


Google AdWords – How to Create a Profitable Campaign on a Low Budget

It’s very easy to spend large amounts of money on your Google AdWords campaign if you don’t plan a budget. If you only have a few hundred dollars to invest each month begin with a small budget ie $1/day. You always have the option to increase it if you want to spend more.


If you only want to spend a $1/day ($30/month) on a campaign, look for inexpensive keywords. For example if your cost per click (CPC) is 10 cents you can receive up to 10 clicks per day or 300 per month. This is enough clicks to determine if the campaign will be profitable.

If your CPC is $1.00 you only need 1 click (or 30 clicks per month at $30.00) to reach your daily budget. You won’t have enough clicks to judge whether the campaign will be profitable so you’ll have to run it over 3 months to receive 100 clicks. This may be too long to wait therefore select keywords with a low CPC.

Strategies for creating profitable campaigns on a low budget

1. Research keywords your competitors aren’t using

Select a product then do extensive keyword research on it to find the keywords your competitors haven’t discovered. These may include misspelled words, negative keywords and combinations of keywords.

If you can’t find alternative keywords, use the same ones as your competitors but select a different product. You’ll avoid competing with them for the same item.

2. Create multiple low budget campaigns

Not every Google AdWords campaign is profitable. In fact only a few will generate enough profits. By observing data from running several low budget campaigns simultaneously, you’ll quickly see which ones have the potential to be profitable.

3. Track each campaign

Tracking your keywords allows you to see which ones generated the sales. I use the ad tracking software AdTrackz to track my keywords.


Creating multiple campaigns with a low daily budget prevents you from quickly spending all your money in a few days. It helps you to tweak the data you’ve collected over a long period so your campaigns will become profitable.

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Determining Product Profitability Using Google AdWords

One of the biggest mistakes people make selling products online is marketing a product no one wants to buy. They waste lots of time and money trying to make their project profitable.

So how can you use Google AdWords to test the profitability of your product?

1. Keyword Research with the Google AdWords Tool

This free software provided by Google displays the:

estimated ad position
estimated average cost per click
global monthly search volume
advertiser competition
search volume trends

Keywords that receive little or no search volume should not be included in an AdWords campaign because you’ll be waiting forever to receive any clicks. Focus on keywords that receive a high number of monthly searches because this means people are actively searching the Net using those keywords.

A high cost per click means advertisers are willing to spend big money to display those ads.

2. Check for competing ads

Enter your main keyword in the Google search box to see how many advertisers there are. If there are many it means people are spending money to make money. If there are only a few or no competing ads it may mean there’s no profit in this product or there are no competitors (particularly if it is a unique product). This may be a good sign to run a test campaign to check for if it’s profitable.

3. Look for trends

Visit Google Trends to see what keywords people are searching on a daily basis. It even breaks it down by regions, cities and languages and can view trends over 30 day, one year or several year periods.

4. Create an AdWords campaign

The best way to determine the profitability of your product is to set up a campaign based on the keywords which receive the most searches then write an attractive ad that links to your landing page.

Run your ads over a week to a month to collect valuable data. Monitor and tweak your keywords, ads and landing pages to get the highest CTR and conversions. If you don’t receive many clicks or conversions after a period of time it it may mean your product is not going to be profitable and move on to another product.

By first doing the research mentioned above you’ll avoid a lot of mistakes and save precious time and money before marketing your product.


Need help testing the profitability of your product with Google AdWords? Visit web site promotion services

Google AdWords – How to Market Affiliate Products

The beauty of marketing affiliate products is that you don’t have to create your own product or web site and the commissions are automatically credited to you by clickbank or another affiliate network. All you need to do is drive traffic to your affiliate web site with Google AdWords.

10 steps for marketing affiliate products with Google AdWords:

1. Do keyword research

Use the Google AdWords tool to research keywords related to the topic you want to promote. Ideally find keywords with a high number of searches but have few ads listed in the right hand column of the search engine results’ pages. If there are a lot of ads you’ll have a high cost per click.

2. Select a product

Once you’ve selected your keywords go to clickbank or commission junction (the 2 leading affiliate networks) to find a product that matches your keyword. If you can’t find a product there, Google “keyword+affiliate program” to find alternative affiliate networks.

3. Create a winning ad

You only have 4 short lines to get the visitor to take action by clicking on the link to your sales page. Try to include the main keyword in the first line (it gets bolded by Google) so it stands out in your ad. The second line should include the main benefit of your product. The 3rd line is where you want the visitor to take action. Use action words such as “instant download”, “money back guarantee” or even mention the price. Use the 4th line for the display url. It must be exactly the same as the product URL but the link will contain your product affiliate ID.

4. Create a second ad

The purpose of creating the second ad is to do split testing. Google will display two ads evenly to your visitors. The ad that receives the most clicks will be your winning ad. By continually writing a better ad than the current one you’ll improve your click through rate and conversions (sales).

When setting up your campaign make sure you check the box “rotate ads evenly” so your ads are equally displayed.

5. Target geographic regions

Enter your main keyword in Google Trends to see which countries to target when creating your campaign. It will show you the countries where the most searches occur for that keyword.

Google rewards you for relevancy.

Use notepad to quickly copy and paste your keywords, ads, display URL, affiliate URL, and geographic regions. This allows you to quickly transfer the information to your AdWords account.

6. Set a daily budget

Start with a relatively small daily budget (ie $5.00/day) so you collect data over an extended period and don’t spend everything in one day.

7. Set maximum cost per click(CPC)

This is how much you want to spend for each click. If you want to be in the first ad position the CPC will be higher than positions 2-8. Unless you want to dominate the first ad position aim for positions 3-4. You will pay less and avoid a lot of the tire kickers.

8. Track your keywords

Without tracking software you won’t know which keywords produced the sales. Use Adtrackz to see which keywords are generating the most sales.

9. Tweak your campaign

The key to higher conversions is to monitor your ads and keywords. Create a new ad to outperform the current one and eliminate or pause keywords that are not receiving many clicks.

10. Duplicate successful campaigns

Once you’ve found the right combination of keywords, ads, and landing pages that convert, try to duplicate it for future affiliate products. Several profitable campaigns will generate a nice ongoing income.

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Google Adwords – Top 10 Benefits of Split Testing Google Ads

Google AdWords has the best system for getting fast and clear feedback from your ads. You can create 2 ads to rotate evenly so they are viewed equally by your visitors. The data you gather helps determine the potential profitability of your campaign.

Top 10 benefits of split testing Google Ads

1. Fast feedback

You can set up a new Google AdWords campaign and start receiving impressions and clicks to your ads almost immediately. It will depend on the popularity of your product and how well your ad was written. By split testing 2 ads you’ll soon discover the winner.

2. Improve Click Through Rate (CTR)

The purpose of split testing is to always write a better ad then test it against the best one you have. By repeating this process you constantly improve your click through rate.

3. Save time

If you just ran one ad you wouldn’t know if it was a good one. Split testing your ads saves time because you quickly discover if your campaign will be profitable.

4. Reduce Cost Per Click (CPC)

Google rewards you for improving your ads. If the ad tightly matches your keyword and landing page you’ll get a higher CTR, more conversions and a better quality score.

5. Improve writing skills

By constantly rewriting your ads to find the one that receives the most clicks and conversions you improve your writing skills. Over time you’ll find it easier to write winning ads.

6. Helps you to think like your customer

One of the keys to writing an effective ad is to get inside the mind of your customer. Ask questions like “what pain is he feeling”, or “what frustration is he experiencing” then address that emotion in your ad.

7. Improve conversions

Conversions improve by writing better ads. With split testing you quickly discover which ad is performing the best. You then write another one to try to outperform the previous one.

8. View the effect of small changes

Here are some small changes which can greatly affect the CTR of your ad:

Include keywords
Order of lines
Use of synonyms
Use different display URLS

9. Develop a winning ad

The winning ad receives the highest CTR and conversions. Use your winning ad as a model for creating ads for other profitable campaigns.

10. Improve results over time

Sometimes you need to write many ads to find one that receives a high CTR. Study the ads of your competitors that have been running for a long time. Their ads are obviously doing well otherwise they would be wasting a lot of money. By constantly improving ad quality you’ll outperform competing ads.


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Google Adwords – 7 Tips to Improve Your Click Through Rate

If you want to increase sales you need to improve the click through rate (CTR) of your Google Ads. A low CTR means a small number of people are clicking on your ad. This will lower your quality score and increase your cost per click (CPC).

What is CTR?

This refers to the number of people clicking on your ad. For example if your ad receives 100 impressions (number of times the ad is displayed) and 1 person clicks on your ad you will have a 1% CTR.

How to improve the Click Through Rate of Google AdWords

1. Write targeted ad copy

You only have a few lines to market your ad so make your ad specific to your product so the visitor knows exactly what to expect. Avoid generalities. For example if you are selling “curved red widgets” then say “curved red widgets” instead of “red widgets”

2. Promise what’s on your landing page

Don’t write an ad that promises something different to what’s mentioned on your landing page. Google may not show your ads and give you a poor quality score. Use the description at the top of your landing page (usually the title and subtitle) to write your ad.

3. Create separate ad groups for your keywords

Curved red widgets should be placed in a separate ad group to curved red widgets Australia. Look at your list of keywords to see if any of them should be taken out to form their own ad group.

4. Include your main keyword in the ad

Keywords placed in your ad get bolded. This helps it to stand out from competing ads will improve your CTR. Include the keyword in your headline, second line and display URL.

5. Select the correct keywords for your ad

Use the Google Keyword Research Tool to find the best keywords to include in your ad. This tool shows
you how many people are searching on that term each month and the average cost per click you pay to use this keyword.

6. Use geographic targeting

Use the Google Trends Tool to find specific countries and/or states where people are searching on that keyword. The more targeted your ad the better it will perform.

7. Split test your ads

Google allows you to rotate 2 ads evenly. This means each ad will receive a similar number of impressions. The first ad is your control ad. Write the second differently to test various parameters ie headlines, keywords in the copy, capitalizing the first letter of each word, using www in the display URL, etc. After running these 2 ads for a day or 2 delete the second one and write another. Always try to improve your CTR by testing your ads.

If you apply these tips you’ll improve your current click through rate and make more sales.


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