Article Writing Template – Tell a Story to Personalize Your Content

article writing template
Have you ever been captivated by an article in the newspaper because it began with a story?
It immediately draws you into the content making you want to read more. You can do the same when writing your own article. It makes you stand out from the competing articles in your niche and provides a great template for writing articles on any subject.

Here’s an example of writing an article based on a story:

How to build your article writing muscles so you can write faster and easier

Last year I was playing soccer several times a week on a local community team and was hoping to complete the season without injuries. Well, half way through the season I developed a severe case of tendonitis in my right ankle. It became painful to walk and was unable to run or play soccer anymore. I even had to hobble to the bathroom when getting up in the morning.

Several weeks passed but the pain wouldn’t subside so I called my doctor and he gave me some stretching and muscle strengthening exercises to try out. I diligently and consistently followed them for several months (plus switched to bicycling). After 6 months my ankle tendonitis had disappeared.

What I learnt
To prevent muscle or ligament injuries strengthen and stretch the muscles (and surrounding ones) specific to your sport. Keep in mind it will take a lot of perseverance and patience.

This story applies to article writing as well. It my be very difficult to write your first article. You’ll try to find all kinds of excuses to procrastinate. You may suffer from anxiety and frustration because you know all the powerful benefits of article marketiing but you can’t get your article finished.

You develop your article muscles by practicing every day (even though it initially may be painful) until you can quickly and easily write several articles in one sitting or churn out a 300-500 word article in 30 minutes or less.

Use this article template to write or rewrite articles based on telling a story. It helps illustrate the main point you wish to make and keeps the attention of your readers.
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Article Writing Template – 7 steps for writing an article

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One of the easiest ways to begin writing articles is following a article writing template. It will enable you to easily plan out your article and write it in record time. Compare this to starting off with a blank sheet then mulling over ideas for hours before you actually begin writing.

Here’s a simple article writing template:

1. Research ideas

To come up with ideas for your article Google your subject (subject+article), visit ezinearticles, online magazine stores (ie amazon), forums and blogs. Alternatively visit your local bookstore or library.

2. Create an attention grabbing headline.

This is the first thing a reader sees so make sure it clearly represents what will be found in the article.
Try to include a benefit within the headline.

3. Write an introductory paragraph

This paragraph should provide a brief explanation of the content body and expand on your headline.

4. Write the body of article content

This is the meat of your article so write at 3 paragraphs that include at least 3 main ideas (one paragraph per idea). Give the reader valuable well written content that will make them want to read more of your articles.

5. Write a concluding paragraph

This should summarize what your article was about. Don’t use the same words already contained in your article. Use your creativity to convey it in a different way.

6. Create a resource box

This is where you invite your readers to take action. You can motivate them to act by giving away a free report or software. Include a link back to your web site so readers can go there to get more information, buy your products, services or subscribe to your ezine.

7. Check grammar and spelling mistakes

It looks very unprofessional if your article is littered with grammatical errors. Get someone else to check for errors or let it sit for a few hours then read it again. Errors are often easier to spot after taking a break from writing your article.


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