Profit Canvas Review | All-In-One Web-Based Page Creator Builds Pages Anywhere At Anytime

Let me ask you a question…do you want to quickly and easily build web pages without installing WordPress or paying high priced monthly fees (e.g. Lead Pages, Click Funnels)?

Well, now you can with Profit Canvas Software because it’s web-based and after you’ve built your pages you can host them for free on their servers.

Here’s a quick demonstration of how Profit Canvas
will help your business…

Here’s the demo page I created with the software

Here are some of the top benefits
1. Saves time
You can build a nice looking landing page, squeeze page or opt-in page within 30 minutes. Compare this to installing WordPress with it’s 100s of files, plugins and constant security issues (because its used my millions).

2. Ease of use
To build a beautiful page you just have to drag and drop the elements on the page. You can also move any of the elements on the page by just dragging them to their correct position.

3. Create professional-looking pages
You have 75 ready-to-go templates to choose from and you can easily modify them to suit your business. The built-in dashboard enables you to easily add buttons, widgets, text, images, paypal buttons, clip art, videos, opt-in forms, etc.

4. Multiple ways to host your pages
After you’ve finished creating your page you can use the URL the software to host unlimited pages for free on their servers. A second option is to copy the iframe code and insert it into a blank page. The third option is to download the zipped files and upload them to your own server using your own domain.

Here’s what’s included with Profit Canvas…
(The page builder is only one small component)

* Add lower third call-to-actions on any video
* Redirect any video to where ever you want
* Add an opt-in form to any video
* Add A PayPal / JVZoo Buy button within any video
* Include a countdown timer within any video.
* Create live webinar pages (integrates with Google Hangouts)
* Add beautiful pop-ups to any website
* Step-by-step video training (40 video tutorials)
* Unlimited resell rights to 4 great products
* Free Lifetime Hosting of your pages

Who is it for?

  • Internet Marketers
  • Website Designers
  • Product Creators
  • Anyone who wants to start a business from scratch
  • Local Marketers who need to advertise their business
  • Mobile Marketers who want to build mobile friendly pages
    for their customers

Here’s a price comparison of the 3 most popular web page builders


click funnels pricing


lead pages pricing


optimize press pricing

Click here to get Profit Canvas Now at:

Here are 7 ways I’m using Profit Canvas right now
1. Testing different opt-in squeeze pages
2. Create landing pages for YouTube Video Ads
3. Create quick review pages to promote affiliate products
4. Create bonus pages for promoting affiliate offers
5. Adding pop-up buttons and opt-in forms on my videos
6. Using the free software products to build my list of subscribers
7. Accessing the video tutorials when I need to brush up my marketing

Here are a couple of limitations I found when using the software..
1. If I make a mistake (ie spelling) I’m unable to revert back to the original text.
2. Unable to clone text or images I want to reuse on the same page.

My Recommendation
I’ve been a professional web designer since 2000 when I coded web pages manually. It took many hours to create a simple page. Later on I started using Front Page then Dreamweaver design software for creating websites for local businesses. Now I primarily use WordPress to create full scale websites and use Profit Canvas for building landing pages, squeeze pages, bonus pages, etc.

The beauty of Profit Canvas is you’ve got all the tools you need to run a business online such as creating and marketing a profitable product.

Click here to get Profit Canvas Now at:

Landing Page Monkey Review – Create Stunning, High Converting Landing Pages On The Fly Using Web-based Software

The video below is a review of landing page monkey…web-based software
that allows you to build landing pages on the fly.

Click here to get Landing Page Monkey NOW!

Here’s a landing page that I created within a few minutes…

Here are some of the top features of Landing Page Monkey:

  • It’s web-based so you can build landing pages anywhere at anytime as long as you have wi-fi
  • There’s no coding needed…you just click a few buttons and preview your creation
  • It’s mobile responsive so your landing page will look good on any device
  • There’s no yearly fees for example lead pages costs $477.00 per year whereas landing page monkey only costs a one time fee
  • It hosts all the pages for you so there are no hosting fees
  • You can use stunning video backgrounds which increase click through rates

Let’s take inside the members area of landing
page monkey to create a squeeze page.

  • Click “create page”
  • Step 1. Page styling
  • Give your landing page a name you’ve got “test 1” here
  • Give it a background color
  • Add background end color
  • Box animation you’ve got different box animations here
  • Page background color
  • Background image…one of the bonuses includes 100 background images
  • You can also use a video for your background
  • Simply upload the background to YouTube then place your URL in the box
  • Get a button background
  • Change the button text color
  • You can also link to a URL
  • You’ve got a submit button text
  • Step 2 page content
  • You can add your own logo
  • You can embed your own video here
  • Put your embed code in the box
  • You can enter headline text bold, italisize or underline
  • You’ve got sub-headline text
  • You can edit your main text
  • Step 3 You’ve got Autoresponder Integration
  • Enter your autoresponder code in the box here
  • Once you’re done click “preview” to preview your page
  • Click “save” to save your page then download the html
  • You can copy the link
  • You can also copy and paste the tracking pixel to put on your final confirmation page
  • You can also export the landing page and you can share your page on social media accounts
  • You also have the ability to track your stats
  • You can clone your page
  • You can edit your page

Here’s a landing page I created within a few minutes…

My favorite feature is that I can build
high converting landing pages on the fly.

Grab your copy of landing page monkey now so you can build high converting landing pages no matter where you are at the beach or at home.

Click the link below this video to get landing page monkey now

Landing Page Design Best Practices – Top 12

landing page design
So you’ve got a great product you want to sell online and need to design a landing page that will get visitors to click the order button. Most website visitors are in a hurry so they’ll quickly scan your page to see if it’s worth reading (ie what’s in it for me?). If the design or the content doesn’t match the product they’ll leave immediately and perhaps purchase the product from your competitors.

What’s the difference between a home page and a landing page?

[Read more…]

Landing Page Design – 7 Essential Elements

Have you ever got a high click through rate (CTR) using Google AdWords but received no conversions?

It’s easy to spend a lot of money on pay per click advertising especially if your landing page doesn’t convert. Ideally you want your landing page to convert well so you’ll make a profit.

7 Essential Elements for Creating a Profitable Landing Page

1. Have one goal

Your landing page is a sales page what must be focused on one goal…to sell the product or service you are marketing. Don’t waver off topic in your content. You want to keep the visitor on the page and have them click the payment button.

2. Create an attention grabbing headline

This is the first thing a person sees so make sure it captures the reader’s attention. You achieve this by asking a question or making a direct statement. The headline should be a nice graphic at the top of the page that stands out from the rest of the content.

3. Well written copy

Use sub headlines, short paragraphs, bulleted points and create plenty of white space so it’s easy for your visitors to read. Most people just scan the page so their eyes will be attracted to the most prominent features. Your copy helps presell your visitor before they order.

4. Use relevant images

Create graphics or use images that enhance or compliment your content. Don’t use too many graphics as this will cause your page to load slowly and drive impatient visitors away.

5. Include related bonuses

Good bonuses provide the tipping point for people to purchase your product because they receive extra value. The bonuses should relate or compliment your main product. It could be a free download, report, cheat sheet or tutorial on how to use your product.

6. Offer a money-back guarantee

This reassures your customer you stand behind your product. It removes the fear it may not be what they wanted. If your product promises exactly what you specified in your ad you won’t get any or few refunds.

7. Create a call to action

This gets your customer to take action after reading the content on your landing page. Include a prominent order button in several locations on the sales page to make it easy for them to purchase. Use a color that stands out from other colors on the page.

Create an upsell offer during the the purchasing process.(think McDonalds..”do you want fries with that?”) By introducing a similar or complimentary product you increase your profit margin.

To receive a quote on landing page design please visit:
Affordable Web Site Design