Mobile Marketing – Top 4 Advantages

If you check your traffic statistics you’ll discover an increasing number of visits are from people using their mobile phones. If you don’t have a mobile website yet it means you’re losing potential customers. Already over half of Americans use a mobile device and a data plan that allows them to access the internet. The number of people using smart phones will only increase over time.

Top 4 Advantages of Mobile Marketing

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Mobile SEO – How To Optimize Your Mobile Website

mobile web design
Today, smartphones have become an extension of the desktop experience. Within a few years more people will be accessing the web from their mobile phones than from their computers. Mobile Search Engine Optimization (Mobile SEO) is a necessity if you want to attract visitors and search engines with your mobile website.

Here are some statistics to consider:

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Mobile Website Design – Begin With the End In Mind

If you’ve read any of any of Steven Covey’s books such as “7 Highly Effective Habits of Highly Effective People” he mentions in the second habit “Begin with the end in mind.” This habit is based on imagination where you envision in your mind what you can’t see with your eyes. You visualize what you want to achieve then take action to make it happen in the present.

The same applies to mobile web design. Perhaps you’ve been told numerous times to build a mobile version of your desktop website so it appeals to customers on the go. Without planning and visualizing the end result your mobile site will not be very effective.

3 tips to consider before designing your mobile website:

1. Define your site’s purpose

Throwing up a mobile site without clarifying it’s purpose is a recipe for disaster. Think about the type of customers you want to target and what you want them to do. For instance if you own a local business your purpose may be to attract local clients by displaying clear benefits, contact information, a map and driving directions.

2. Keep it simple stupid (KISS)

Keeping it simple is necessary when you’re explaining or showing something to a new person. Computer users are usually sitting at a desk looking at a monitor and using a mouse. With a desktop website you can include lots of graphics, videos and scripts to attract and retain website visitors. You shouldn’t do the same for Mobile Web Design.

Mobile phone users are browsing their device while walking down the street, lying on the couch or even sitting on the toilet. They are viewing information on a small screen that is only a few hundred pixels wide while using a tiny keyboard. A mobile website should contain limited graphics, display the most important information at the top of the screen and make it easy for them to contact you (ie tap to call feature).

3. Test on multiple devices

Not all mobile phones will display your new design in the same way therefore make sure you test it on multiple devices before going public. Check the readability, navigation and usability of your design.

Ask yourself these questions…

  • Will visitors instantly know what your site is about from the information you provide?
  • Are the clickable features large enough to use a fingertip?
  • Is the font size easy to read?
  • Is the site easy to navigate?
  • Does the site load fast?

Always place yourself in your customers shoes when designing a mobile website so you can view things from their viewpoint instead of your own. If you visualize how your design will best serve your future prospects you’ll attract and retain a wider audience.

And now I’d like to invite you to get a mobile website designed for your business to attract and retain more of your customers.
Visit: Mobile Website Design Maryland

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Mobile Website Design – Before and After Case Study

Recently one of my clients asked me to view his website on a mobile smart phone. Since my wife purchased an iPhone4S for me last Christmas I decided to check it out. Unfortunately I could only view it by pinching, squeezing and scrolling…in other words it took some work. If I was a customer I probably wouldn’t bother and find a more mobile friendly site design.

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Mobile Website Design: 5 Must-Have Features

Do you currently have a mobile version of your website?
Does your site display correctly on all mobile devices?
Are you tracking how many visitors try searching for your business using a smart phone?

iphoneWhen I began designing websites in the late 1990s most people didn’t understand the value of having an online presence for their business. They thought that regular advertising through yellow page ads or local newspaper ads and/or magazines was sufficient. Well that soon changed as more people realized their business needed a website to remain in business. In those days no one had a cell phone and definitely not a smart phone.

Nowadays almost half the population in the U.S. has a smart phone which means they have instant access to the web whatever their location. For instance many folks comparison shop while out and about while others use their phone (instead of their desktop computer) to search for information.

Can your website be easily viewed with a smart phone without constant scrolling or pinching and squeezing? If not it’s time for you to design a mobile version of your website otherwise you’re missing out on potential visitors and sales. It’s also the wave of the future.

Here’s 5 must-have features for mobile website design:

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